Serving our Family


Society often considers our profession as our primary vocation. Ignored are the other equally vital aspects of our calling—family, community, and congregation—that make up the totality of our uniquely called life. By focusing intently on serving well in all realms of life, we discover that the sum becomes greater than its parts. We reflect who we really are– “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God” (1 Peter 2:9).


During this journey we also become especially attuned to times of disappointment and suffering as opportunities to discover a new purpose in life, and, in the words of Martin Luther, to work out the salvation in our life.

Crown of Life’s Online Bible Class begins at 7:00 on Thursday. You are welcome to logon after 6:45


What does this quote mean to you?

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)




Look at the list of people you wrote in Part 2. Plan how and when you’ll connect with each of them. Feel free to use the chart below to give you direction. Then after you’ve planned…follow through and connect!